Hits and Misses
We will also offer up awards for “Hits”: in small displays, presentation, marketing, promotional items, and staff as chosen by my fellow attendees at the shows (by interview, Twitter,). The idea is to feature those companies who are doing the right things to take advantage of the trade show environment. Creative new ideas and best used of space and materials. This not a measure of how much is spent or how fancy the display it is about execution.It is often said you lean more from mistakes than success so with that in mind we will also have the “That Sucks” aware for those companies who really do all the wrong things including but not limited to: embarrassing themselves, their customers, exhibits done in poor tasted or extremely bad design or just bad taste in general. While we will not do any public “hanging” we will talk about why they won the distinction and what could be done to avoid repeating their success.
Three in a Row
The first three shows are very important shows in their respective industries: CES the biggest show for Consumer Electronics, The Affiliate Summit (also in Vegas) the most important show relating to Affiliate Internet marketing, and finally the PPAI Show for the promotional products industry. These shows run back to back from January 6 to 9 for CES Jan 9- 11 for Affiliate show and 11-14 for the PPAI Show.I will be attending each of these shows to meet with exhibitors and attendees to gage their mood, trends and outlook for their respective industries for the coming year. I will be taking pictures for educational purposes not to embarrass anyone but to make everyone’s trade show experience better. If your booth is picked for an “award” you will be notified before the results are published.
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