Most aren’t.
Nearly all marketing people consider themselves Active or Proactive marketers but the vast majorities are Reactive or Passive. The sad truth is most would be Proactive if they were allowed to be by their respective companies.
How do you know for sure where your company falls in the
The Active creates opportunities, drives changes in the market place, sets standards, and gains market share.
The Reactive is always "doing"; it may be "doing" what is popular or "hot" in the world of
marketing but the fact is they are reacting to the competition not leading. They look at trends and follow; they see what is popular and follow.
The Passive is the saddest case of all for these companies’ marketing programs are driven by non-marketing types. They are competent in their profession just not creative nor allow their marketing professional to be either (assuming they have true marketing people).
You see it all the time a company will put out marketing campaigns just to put something out the when upper management does not see the results (usually in a unrealistic short time frame) they see from the competitions Active marketing teams they blame their own marketing staff or more likely the sales people (which may not be all bad).
But Active is no longer enough for most companies they must jump ahead; and do things that will change the game, not just more of the same but a complete leap ahead, in other words they must Preempt the Market. You want it you have to take it.
Ok so you are not Apple and don’t have the iPod, iPad, or iPhone waiting in the wings to spring on the market. Does that mean you have to keep doing what you have been doing and hope for different results?
We want to help you find ideas, solutions and practices that will help you Preempt your completion without losing your job or sanity. We don’t charge for our services so if you have a question or need let us know.