Monday, October 18, 2010

Marketing Love it or Leave it Alone.

I’m in marketing and I love it. 
I love the feeling when an idea takes on a life of its own.  Seeing your work obtain
the results you imagined and knowing your efforts are worthwhile by being well
received by the intended audience is a great feeling.  But like most emotional feeling it is
fleeting, which makes it worth pursuing.
If you are a true marketer you know why you put up with the long hours, incredible stress, idiots in sales and morons in accounting, not to mention upper management with their own brand of lunacy if not for the fact that without marketing they would all be looking for work.    So realizing the world turns as a result of your marketing efforts, aren’t you looking for the next advantage a way to
actually preempt your competition?
Imagine you have a limited budget, unreasonable time lines and only a fraction of the resources you need to change the world.  Now ask yourself how you can get the information and ideas that could give you an edge if not advantage in your market space using trade shows and other interpersonal events.
Nowhere is marketing more visible and important than when people interact directly with your company’s sales people or corporate property, be it at a point of purchase, product launch, trade show or grand promotion. 
INTERPERSONAL marketing is where wins and losses can be absolute where everything a customer knows about your company, brand and people is either confirmed or destroyed. Indifference is not a win. 
After 25 years of marketing especially in trade shows, retail and the corporate promotional space I got tired of “training” so many sales people whose only  marketing knowledge comes from watching commercials on TV.   As sales people they are ok but as far as knowing anything about marketing or what marketers go through they are totally hopeless.
So a group of us former marketing people got together to discuss the need for a better source of ideas, graphics and trade show related items and realized if we did not do this who would.  Being “experienced” we knew to be successful we would need the energy and certitude that comes with youth; so by teaming up with young eager markerters we hope to create a new kind of marketing energy. 
The beauty of “experience” is you recognize “new” when it comes along it may not be better but it is new.  Sometimes “better” is not really new but a different use of something that has worked in other markets at other times.  The best part of ideas is they tend to generate discussion which will always lead to different ideas.  In the end, it is not the idea but the implementation that wins.

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